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Setsubun and Mamemaki at February 3rd.

February 3rd is the day of Setsubun and there are several traditional events in Japan.  Setsubun is consist of two Kanji characters “Setsu” and “Bun.”  In this context, “Setsu” means term or period and “Bun” means divide. Old calendar has 24 terms in a year.  February 4th is “Risshun” (it means “Spring has just come”) […]


Simple spinach salad (Hourensou no ohitashi)

This is very common side dish for Japanese foods.  “Hourenso” means spinach and “ohitashi” is a way of cooking.  It is a cooking method to soak foods in broth.  After 1868 (Meiji era), current method seems to become popular. There are some similar menu called “goma ae”(mix with sesame) or “shira ae”(mix with broken tofu). […]